
How can I Prevent My Child From Suffering a Playground Injury?

Of course no parent wants to see his or her child get hurt on a playground. Playgrounds are supposed to provide places for fun, healthy activity. It's a great way to get your kids away from all those tempting electronic screens. As Syracuse playground accident lawyers, we have learned a lot about what causes playground injuries, and how to hold those responsible for them liable. But as a side benefit, we have also learned how to prevent those injuries from occurring.

If you follow some of our advice below, you won't eliminate the risk of your child suffering a playground injury, but you will go a long way to minimizing the risk.

First, let's talk about the equipment itself. Although the design, construction and maintenance of the playground equipment are the responsibility of the manufacturer and the municipality or school that owns it, everyone can help improve playground safety by being vigilant. We recommend that before your child uses any playground equipment, you do a critical "tour" of the equipment. Check everywhere for potential hazards and for parts that are rusty or disintegrating. Keep an eye out for areas where your child might get "stuck" or entrapped. Read any of the signage regarding which equipment is appropriate for the age and size of your child. Make sure the landing surface is soft and resilient.

Next, check your child. Make sure he or she is wearing clothing with no loose strings or ties that can become caught on equipment. Make sure his or her shoes are tied. Make sure you instruct him or her on the proper use of the equipment. Give him or her the "do's and don'ts"

Lastly, stay and watch your child. SUPERVISE. And do so properly. Don't get so immersed in conversations with other adults that you are not observing what your child is doing or how he or she is doing. And watch those other kids, too! Are they running or playing rough games that could inadvertently injure your child? Speak up!

If your child uses a school or daycare playground at recess, show up to observe a few recess periods. Introduce yourself to the supervisors. Watch how they supervise. Yes, you are now supervising the supervisors, but that's ok!

Before you make your visit, go to and learn about proper playground supervision standards published by the National Program for Playground Safety. Make sure the supervisors are following the "S.A.F.E." standards of this National Program. If they are not, talk to them or the director of the school or daycare. Make sure they are aware of the S.A.F.E playground supervision training programs. Insist that the supervisors take the course and use those standards for supervision. If they won't, consider taking your child out of that school or daycare center. There are plenty of others that do provide proper training for their supervisors.

As playground accident lawyers serving Syracuse area injured children, we are more attuned than most to what causes most playground injuries. But we shouldn't be the only ones with this knowledge. As a parent one of your jobs is to educate yourself about the potential hazards threatening your child BEFORE accidents can happen to them. So consider taking the advice set forth above. And if your child is unfortunate enough to get injured on playground equipment, don't hesitate to call our Syracuse playground accident attorneys for a free consultation.

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He is one of the top lawyers in central New York & has the accolades to show for this, but in my book he's the top lawyer in the country. I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with Mr. Bersani & to have had him on my team! Matthew
I admire the amount of background work he did which was instrumental in getting me a very good settlement. Also, having never been involved in a personal injury lawsuit, Michael was very patient explaining the legal issues. You're in good hands with Michael Bersani and the firm of Michaels Bersani Kalabanka. Richard
Dave took over my wrongful death case after it was badly messed up by another lawyer. He was dogged in his pursuit of all the information needed to make a solid case, and he succeeded in bringing it to a very satisfactory settlement. He was honest and straightforward, kind and compassionate through meetings, depositions, court appearances. I highly recommend him. Christine
Dave has handled our legal matters for over 20 years. Always there when we needed him. We were so happy with his professionalism and results that we referred him to several friends. If we ever need this type of service again, Dave will be the first and only call we make. Jackie
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